Monday, January 5, 2009

The Price of Freedom

This is a comment I left on to a suggestion that Starbucks check everyone's ID who enters. On New Year's Eve, someone set off a homemade bomb at the starbucks on Thayer St., Providence, RI;

The price we pay to live in a free society is that we are not able (or willing) to secure the safety of every person at all costs. If we could, we would make cars illegal, make alcohol illegal, make smoking illegal, and make anyone who goes anywhere go through a strip search. We should take precautions, but we've allowed ourselves to live in fear. I'm willing to take the risk that there is a one in a 5 million chance that I die in a terrorist attack just as I'm willing to take the far, far greater risk of getting into a fatal car accident every time I get behind the wheel of a car. We have already given up too many of our freedoms as a result of our fears. On one terrible day, 7 years ago, 4 of the 6000 planes (or .067%) in the air were hijacked by terrorists, which resulted in a terrible loss of 3000 lives (about the same amount of people that Russia lost daily during WWII), but our individual liberties and our society's freedom is worth far more than that.

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